Ripple宣布在Gustavo Petro宣誓就职两周前与哥伦比亚信息技术和通讯部建立了合作伙伴关系。 然而,在新政府表示这不是其首要任务之后,该项目似乎陷入了停滞。
福布斯 8 月 30 日发布的一份报告称,国家土地局临时局长胡安·曼努埃尔·诺鲁加·马丁内斯 (Juan Manuel Noruega Martinez) 透露,该项目不属于政府今年的战略重点。 Ripple 在哥伦比亚的产权代币化并不是信息技术战略计划中列出的项目之一。
鉴于哥伦比亚新总统引发了对加密行业的积极情绪,这一决定的变化令人惊讶。 他此前曾发布推文,显示他对加密货币行业的支持。
Ripple 与哥伦比亚政府的合作伙伴关系
The partnership involved Ripple, the Colombian National Land Agency, and Peersyst Technology, a software development company. The partnership planned to tokenize real estate on the Ripple network to streamline various processes, such as property searches and property title management while boosting transparency and efficiency in finance and payments.
In 2016, Colombia signed a peace agreement with a directive to formalize property titles for small and medium rural properties in Colombia. A 2013 report found that only one in three farmers in Colombia had formalized their land rights.
The lack of formality in the Colombian property sector has deterred farmers from investing in lands and prevents lands from being used as collateral when applying for loans. This issue was solved through a blockchain ledger that would give property owners security and offer incentives to invest in properties.
The Colombian land registry was created on July 1 after a year of being under development. Peersyst tweeted on July 30 that the first deed was added to the ledger, where the land certificate would appear like any other but also involve a QR code that verifies the certificate on the blockchain.
The QR code on the certificate can be used by people looking to find the location of the property deed on the Ripple blockchain. There have been no additional details regarding this project. Additionally, Ripple has not provided more details on the partnership’s progress.