


Hodlnaut 已暂停提款、存款和代币兑换

周一发布的新闻稿中的协议将当前的市场状况作为该决定背后的动机。 Hodlnaut 透露,该决定将有助于稳定其流动性并保护资产。

有了这个决定,Hodlnaut 加入了越来越多的加密货币公司的行列,这些公司忍受着加密货币冬天的严酷影响。 回想一下,同为加密货币贷方的Celsius 几个月前也停止了在其网络上的提款、存款和交易。 截至发稿时,这家加密货币贷方尚未向其客户更新有关可能恢复这些业务的信息。

包括 Vauld 和 Voyager Digital 在内的其他协议也做出了同样的决定,理由是市场状况不佳。 不过,航海者号现在打算在 8 月 10 日之前恢复提款。

Hodlnaut said its customers would only be able to access their respective accounts to check balances. Additionally, it says they will also be able to export their transaction history and interest statements. However, the crypto lender reiterates its commitment to paying out interest accrued according to customers’ balances. According to the protocol, the payment will be made every Monday.

The Singapore-based protocol also retracted its license application from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). This, as revealed, implies that the protocol no longer intends to run as a regulated virtual payment token provider in the country.

Additionally, the protocol halted every lending and borrowing activity on its platform. Hodlnaut assures customers that it is working assiduously to recover quickly from the prevailing turmoil. Also, it promised to avail customers with more information by August 19. 

According to the crypto lender, communications with customers will only be done through email, Twitter, and Telegram handles. As announced, other social media handles belonging to the protocol will be deactivated till further notice.

在此决定之前,7 月的协议推出了一项新资产 PAX Gold,以使客户能够赚取利润。 据透露,该代币在平台上与其他资产(如 ETH、BTC、USDT、USDC、DAI 和 wBTC)一起在平台上可用。 然后,Hodlnaut 指出,代币具有多个属性,包括利息账户、定期存款、优先利息支付和代币交换。

该公司宣布有意咨询新加坡的一家律师事务所 Damodara Ong LLC。 磋商将讨论其当前危机的可能解决方案。 Hodlnaut 将与律师事务所讨论执行其恢复计划的预期时间表。 根据协议,这将指导其管理问题的步骤。 但是,它敦促所有客户保持耐心,并强调该协议的管理团队将尽一切努力确保快速恢复。



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