Solana is facing downtime after the production of new blocks on the network has ceased.
According to data from Solana Beach block explorer, Solana’s validators have not processed new blocks for the last five hours, causing a total shutdown of all of its applications.
A recent post from Solana Status said that the mainnet beta now needed a restart from validators. “Validator operators should prepare for a restart in mb-validators on Discord,” the post read. As of press time, discussion toward a restart was ongoing in the validator Discord chat.
To mitigate this situation, the Solana team has asked validators to restart the network. It has released instructions for validators, which includes taking a snapshot of a specific time slot from where the network can be rebooted.
Solana touts itself as a high-performance blockchain. But over the last year, it has suffered numerous outages and suffered from block congestion. Just last month, in a similar fashion as Wednesday, Solana froze for about seven hours before it was brought back online via a validator restart.