




那是一位加密货币交易所的高管,在给 The Block 的一条消息中说,在入侵乌克兰期间俄罗斯经济制裁的背景下,人们更加关注加密货币。


外国资产控制办公室要求加密货币交易所将某些俄罗斯个人和实体列入黑名单,其中包括一组已知的寡头。 但他们还没有完全关闭所有俄罗斯客户,专家表示这不是一项要求,但在乌克兰和俄罗斯军队不断入侵的情况下,这已成为一些公司的流行举措。

最近几天,从 Revolut 到 PayPal 再到 Google 等公司都关闭了俄罗斯用户。

The resistance among crypto exchanges speaks to the underpinning ethos of the crypto space: advocacy for open financial system access. The approach has also inspired headlines such as “Russia’s hidden tool to undermine sanctions,” which Politico penned in part to refer to offshore crypto exchanges that don’t check for identities.

The push also carries significant political contours. A senior Ukrainian government official called on crypto exchanges to block Russian users, while Hillary Clinton shamed them on MSNBC for subscribing to “some, I don’t know, philosophy of libertarianism or whatever.”

In a tweet thread Friday, Coinbase chief executive officer Brian Armstrong said that the firm “believes everyone deserves access to basic financial services unless the law says otherwise.”

While crypto exchanges might be bucking the popular trend of cutting off access to Russians, that does not mean they are not complying with the sanction guidelines, according to Caroline Brown, a partner with Crowell & Morning. The DC-based partner previously held positions with the US Department of Justice and the Treasury Department. 

“While the U.S. has placed geographic-related sanctions on the two separatist regions in Ukraine, there’s not yet a full embargo in place on Russia,” Brown said in a phone call with The Block, adding:


FTX 周五的一篇博客文章概述了交易所运营商识别受制裁个人并阻止他们访问的方法。

例如,交易所监控其平台的电汇来源,以确保它们不与通过 OFAC 的特别指定国民和被阻止人员名单列入黑名单的个人或实体联系在一起。

这是 FTX:

“可以接受电汇作为法定存款来源的交易所知道来源金融机构的身份,因此可以检测该货币是否来自例如制裁名单上的俄罗斯银行、黑名单来源或其他一些有问题的银行。资金来源。 这提供了一种简单有效的方法来阻止受制裁机构的大量直接活动。”

在受制裁的个人可能试图通过 FTX 等交易所转移加密货币的情况下,链上分析可用于“识别源自任何已知非法或受制裁来源的加密货币转移。

“此外,启发式方法可以帮助识别加密转移的地理来源,强大的机器学习算法可以发现交易历史和其他钱包交互中的模式,这些模式表明风险增加,”FTX 博客指出。



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