


Coinbase 的股价周五创下历史新低


  • Coinbase 的股价周五创下历史新低。
  • 随着该公司期待已久的 NFT 市场的测试版终于以测试版发布,这一发展随之而来。

在其新的 NFT 市场测试版推出两天后,Coinbase 的股票在周五的交易时段跌至历史最低点。

该公司早在去年 10 月就宣布计划进入 NFT 领域,超过 150 万人报名参加了候补名单。 测试版于 4 月 20 日启动。

与此同时,根据雅虎的数据,自本月初以来,Coinbase 的股价一直在下跌。 金融和本周发布的测试版并没有改变这一轨迹。 周五,$COIN 触及 131.25 美元的低点,随后收于 131.52 美元。

虽然此时每个人都可以访问该网站,但随着测试版的推出,只有少数精选客户可以购买和出售基于以太坊的 NFT,并以 ETH 付款。 该公司计划在未来整合其他区块链,并添加一些独特的功能,让用户参与更多。

John Todaro, a senior research analyst at Needham & Company, said the real question is whether or not the NFT marketplace will succeed. Everyone has known for months that it was coming. 

“Investors are now looking for ‘can you really scale it, can it do volume, can it really compete with Open Sea?” he told the Block. “Is this really going to add to revenue versus is this just going to launch and maybe fizzle out.”

Coinbase is facing competition not only from OpenSea and LooksRare, which dominate the market but also from major crypto exchanges FTX.US and Binance, which have also launched NFT marketplaces last year.

Todaro said Needham & Company put out a note stating that, once it got to scale, Coinbase’s NFT marketplace could very incrementally add to revenue.

“We remain bullish on the stock, we think it’s fundamentally very attractive,” he said. “If they can get it to scale I think it’s really gonna add to the stock.”

In a report published in February, JMP Group indicated similarly that Coinbase might benefit from the NFT marketplace in the long run.

“The company is investing in a number of areas that may not have as much of an immediate impact, but should contribute materially to longer-term revenues, including its forthcoming NFT platform,” the report said. 

Jeff Dorman, co-founder and chief investment officer of crypto asset management firm Arca, also said that it’s still too early for Coinbase’s NFT marketplace to prove its worth to investors.

“由于 NFT 作为一个整体仍未被 TradFi 广泛喜爱或接受,我们相信在任何股票分析师给予 Coinbase 信用之前,你需要在多个季度看到真正的牵引力,”他通过电子邮件告诉 The Block。

根据 Dorman 的说法,Coinbase 的“低于预期的倍数”部分是由于预期他们的交易费用将继续下降。 他认为,零售业的下滑增加了额外的压力。

“在 Coinbase 的订阅和服务业务线占其收入的大部分之前,Coinbase 将继续在低容量/低零售环境中受苦,”多尔曼说。

Todaro 表示,Coinbase 过去几个月的股票表现也反映了更广泛的市场趋势。 他指出,利率总体上影响了科技股,更具体地说,零售加密货币和交易量已经下降。

“因此,投资者也在试图了解‘我们是否处于一个新的环境中,零售加密货币交易活动远低于 2021 年,”他说。



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