- アメリカの投資家マーク・キューバンは、現在本格的な暗号通貨のクラッシュは、ウォーレン・バフェットが言ったことを思い出させると主張しています。
- 暗号通貨は、高いボラティリティと横行する不確実性を特徴とする市場の真っ只中で、歴史上最大の修正に直面しています。
- キューバは、現在の危機の結果として、多くの企業と暗号通貨が沈没し、消滅すると予測しています。
今週の連邦準備制度による金利の0.75ベーシスポイントの引き上げの発表に続いて、暗号市場は一時的な休息を取り、デジタル通貨は価格の一部を回復しました。 しかし、アナリストは、被害がすぐになくなることはないことに同意しています。
The producer of Shark Tank and owner of the Dallas Mavericks compared the current situation facing the industry with a statement Warren Buffett made some time ago: "When the tide goes out, you get to see who is swimming naked." Like other observers and analysts, Cuban believes the market is heading into a process of extinction for hundreds of cryptocurrency projects. Risky assets, which long roused the appetite of whales and retail investors, were the first to suffer the effects of the pivot taken by central banks around the world. With seeming end coming to the era of easy money, especially from pandemic stimuli checks which helped immensely to inflate digital assets and their related stocks, the crypto market is facing down one of its biggest historical corrections. The Impact of Fed Announcements on Crypto The fear that the actions of the Fed and other global issuers will provoke a new recession in their adoption of aggressive monetary policy (e.g. rate hikes and withdrawal of stimuli) to contain inflation has unleashed an unprecedented crisis. Cryptos across the board, led by Bitcoin and Ethereum, have seen monumental losses in recent weeks. The crypto crash was particularly exacerbated by the collapse of the Terra Luna ecosystem, and the subsequent domino effect collapse of companies in the crypto sphere, which in turn rang serious alarms of concern among regulators and paniced investors. This week, crypto lending giant Celsius Network suspended withdrawals on its platform, igniting investor fears about the outlook for other companies being infected by the crisis. Major exchanges, such as Crypto.com, BlockFi and Coinbase, have announced significant staff cuts, payroll freezes, and adjustments in their budgets in order to better endure the oncoming crypto winter – the end of which no one has ventured forecast. Binance stands as an exception, announcing the listing of 2,000 new jobs. Reports are also circulating that crypto fund Three Arrows Capital is close to possible insolvency after paying out $400 million to clients. Indeed, by and large, shares of companies that trade in cryptocurrencies or have exposure to digital assets have fallen sharply of late. Despite the difficult times the industry is currently experiencing, Cuban continues to believe in the value of cryptocurrencies. He asserts that, after the crisis of digital assets, a more innovative and successful industry will emerge. “Disruptive applications and technology released during a bear market, whether stocks or crypto or any business, will always find a market and succeed,” the tycoon stated. According to Cuban, cryptocurrencies are associated with the Nasdaq, hence the reason that technology stocks and BTC have simultaneously been moving in the same direction. Recently, the correlation between the U.S. stock index and the leading cryptocurrency has seeminglyreached its peak. “If rates go up, it will struggle till it’s priced in. The exception, as with stocks, is for new, game-changing applications”, the Ethereum maximalist, as he describes himself, who is a great investor in cryptocurrencies and companies in the sector, told Fortune.