



アルゼンチン中央銀行は、国の減価するフラットをヘッジするために暗号通貨を購入した市民と企業を対象とした新しい制限を提供しました。 機関は、過去3か月以内に暗号通貨を購入しなかった個人および企業にのみドルを販売します。

アルゼンチン政府は、人々が国の現地通貨をドルに交換するレートを下げることを計画しています。 暗号通貨を購入した個人や企業は、公式のレートで公式市場のドルにアクセスすることはありません。


公式レートで米ドルを購入したい暗号投資家は、公式市場でドルを購入する90日前に中央銀行の制限に従わなければなりません。 いくつかの地元の出版物は、政府がそのような制限を課すことができた理由を提供しています。

The new laws will close the gap where organizations exploit the exchange control channels for their own benefits. Moreover, they also buy dollars at cheap prices at the ongoing exchange rate. These dollars are then used to buy cryptocurrencies that are later exchanged at a higher rate.

The Argentinian Central Bank has also launched new restrictions that prevent the buyers of the dollars from buying any cryptocurrencies within 90 days after they have made the purchase. This will also help prevent people from buying dollars simply to trade in cryptocurrencies to avoid transacting in the local currency.

Argentinians react to new restrictions

The restrictions on purchasing US dollars have received negative reactions from Argentinians. Some question whether this move would effectively tame crypto investments in the country.

Agustin Monteverde has criticized the move saying that the measure was “arbitrary and discretionary.” Moreover, the restrictions failed to note why those who purchased certain assets cannot gain access to the forex market.

The restrictions are already in operation. However, Argentinians want to move away from traditional cryptocurrency exchanges and provide reports about these crypto transactions. Argentinians now prefer peer-to-peer exchanges where transactions will be private between the involved parties.



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