欧州中央銀行 (ECB) は、大手テクノロジー企業の市場支配を抑える手段として、中央銀行のデジタル通貨 (CBDC) の使用を検討しています。 機関は、現在の通貨制度の円滑な継続を保証するディスカッションペーパーを発表しています。 法定通貨交換媒体の使用を取り巻く「ネットワークの外部性」により、ビットテック企業の手に決済市場の制御が保たれています。 しかし、ECB は CBDC を使用して優位性を打ち破り、すべてのプレーヤーにとって公平な競争の場にする方法を提案しています。
ディスカッション ペーパーは、世界中の中央銀行からも深刻な関心を集めている CBDC への関心の高まりを認識することから始まります。 これまでのところ、ナイジェリア (eNaira) とバハマ (Sand Dollar) の 2 つの国が CBDC を開始しました。
The report provides detailed information about their potential for adoption and level of growth It also provided several use cases within the rapidly digitizing economy. Additionally, the CBDC ad its increasing interests have resulted in several digital platforms becoming dominant business models while more companies have increased their requirements for software and data. It has also led to an anti-competitive environment that is shifting the digital market power towards the control of tech giants.
The Increasing Dominance Of Digital Currency Issuers
Most users are attracted to these digital platforms simply because others are using them, a situation called network externalities. This can lead to a winner-takes-it-all outcome in the industry. The report revealed that such a situation is not encouraging for the digital industry.
The ECB is also afraid that the dominant platforms that issue digital currencies, especially the Diem, could become dominant issuers of private money through the same network externalities. The fear is that it can challenge the monetary sovereignty of a domestic economy. Once it starts acting as a unit of account, medium of exchange, and store of value, it puts the use of the fiat currency in jeopardy.
But a CBDC can be used to ensure the continuous practical use of public money in the economy. It can e used to resolve issues in financial intermediation and as a means of reducing the cost of payments.