



ボイジャーは、仮想通貨市場全体で進行中の不況の影響を受けた仮想通貨企業の 1 つです。 同社は現在、入札とリストラの期限を9月6日まで延期したと発表した.

同社は今週、締め切りの延長を発表するブログ投稿をリリースしました。 当初、入札は 8 月 26 日までに提出される予定でしたが、現在、締め切りが 9 月 6 日に延期され、売却公聴会は 9 月 29 日に行われることが確認されています。

同社は、最初の締め切りとして 9 月 6 日を発表して以来、新しい入札者から、情報を入手してオファーを提出するための追加の時間を求める多数の要求を受け取ったと述べました。

入札は、会社の資産を購入するという申し出から、リストラ計画を立てること、または再編成を支援するという申し出まで、さまざまな形で行うことができます。 すべての入札が提出された後、Voyager の法律顧問は、債権者と顧客に最大の価値をもたらす提案を評価します。

However, the proposals that will be tabled could have a wide range of offerings, from the dollar amount to the level of assistance given in the reorganization. The bids are confidential during the process, and the approved parties have to sign confidentiality agreements, and the bidding procedures also have to be stipulated by the court.

One of the requirements that have been put across is that the bidders should not communicate with each other unless such communication has been authorized beforehand.

FTX’s proposal to Voyager

FTX is among the crypto companies that have exhibited a robust financial performance despite the bear market. FTX, alongside Alameda Research, bailed out several companies, including BlockFi and Voyager.

FTX publicized an offer to acquire Voyager client accounts two weeks after the exchange filed for bankruptcy. The publicized offer created friction between the two companies, with Voyager’s legal team saying that the exchange’s offer was too low and that the firm had failed to respect the bidding process.

In late July, after the FTX and Alameda bid, the CEO of FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried, said that the offer was meant to provide early liquidity to the project and to ensure that customers would receive a part of their assets without going through the lengthy and costly bankruptcy process.



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