- HitPiece 的初衷是帮助艺术家从他们的歌曲中赚取版税。
- 但是,他们在将作品作为 NFT 出售之前并没有询问音乐艺术家。
- 现在 HitPiece 在遭到强烈反对后完全撤出了其 NFT 市场。
HitPiece 有一个简单的商业模式:销售不可替代的音乐代币 (NFT)。 问题? 音乐艺术家不知道他们的作品正在 HitPiece 上出售。
This caused a huge outcry of artists and music fans alike. While the music NFT platform appears to have started out with the intention to help artists perpetually earn revenue from their sales, it has now been denigrated so hard that it pulled its marketplace off its site. This begs the question: how did we get here?
HitPiece was originally launched in 2020 by Rory Felton, a music producer who co-founded the indie record label The Militia Group which was later acquired by Sony Music, along with Jeff Birmingham, an early investor in Spotify. In January, Felton announced that the startup raised $5 million in seed funding on the podcast Business Builders.
The two intended for HitPiece to be “the place for music NFTs online,” Felton said on the podcast. In the beta version of HitPiece, users could collect 1/1 edition NFTs for every song in the world that was built on top of Spotify’s API.
“The idea is that you show off to your friends or people around the world that you own the greatest HitList you can create of all your favorite songs,” Felton explained on the podcast. “The artist gets royalties from not only the initial auction but also every time it’s traded, so it becomes a perpetual revenue stream for artists and rights holders.”
然而,HitPiece 似乎没有通知艺术家他们的作品的 NFT 正在平台上出售,他们也没有确认这些艺术家首先想要他们的音乐的 NFT——这似乎是大多数用户强烈反对的核心.
“哟@joinhitpiece。 未经我的批准,有人在您的网站上将我的作品铸造为 NFT。 请立即删除这些。 这些不是我铸造的,我永远不会铸造我作为 NFT 的作品,这是在未经我许可的情况下完成的,”一位名叫 Jeremy Blake 的 Twitter 用户写道。
用户还声称,由于 HitPiece 只接受借记卡或信用卡而不是加密货币来支付 NFT,因此区块链上不会有交易表明买家拥有 HitPiece NFT。
在遭到强烈反对后,HitPiece 于 2 月 2 日向其用户道歉并承诺重组。 HitPiece 在 Twitter 上写道:“显然,我们已经触动了神经,非常渴望为音乐迷创造理想的体验。” “需要明确的是,艺术家在 HitPiece 上出售数字商品时会获得报酬。 与所有测试版产品一样,我们将继续听取所有用户的反馈,并致力于改进产品以满足艺人、唱片公司和粉丝的需求。”
HitPiece 没有及时回应以澄清艺术家将如何获得工作报酬。
目前尚不清楚该平台将从这里走向何方。 但用户希望,随着围绕 HitPiece 商业模式的争议,更多的焦点将放在受平台影响的艺术家身上。
“我希望 h*tpiece 的讨论能够从给予网站关注和平台转变为向大众提供一个例子,说明为什么直接支持艺术家如此重要,这样的事情并不少见,因为我们都在不断地被剥削,”一位推特用户写道。