The trading week started off with a mix of Bitcoin companies posting recoveries and others seeing their stocks continue to drop.
Notably, TeraWulf’s stock went down by -15.19% and, on the opposite end, Northern Data’s rose by +7.91%.
Hut 8 announced with its May operations update that it had mined 309 BTC and decided to hold on to all self-mined bitcoin, keeping with its long-term HODL strategy.
Hive 还发布了一份关于上个月运营的声明,称其哈希率容量增加了 8%。 5 月,Hive 开采了 273.4 BTC 和 2,694 ETH。
周一,Hut 8 的股票在多伦多证券交易所下跌了-3.46%,在纳斯达克下跌了-4.33%。 Hive 的股价也分别下跌了-2.06% 和-2.36%。
以下是加密矿业公司在 6 月 6 日星期一的表现: