欧洲央行考虑使用 CBDC 防止 BigTech 占据市场主导地位
欧洲中央银行 (ECB) 正在考虑使用中央银行数字货币 (CBDC) 作为遏制大型科技公司市场主导地位的手段。 该机构正在公布一份讨论文件,该文件将保证当前货币体系的顺利延续。 围绕使用法定交换媒介的“网络外部性”使支付市场的控制权掌握在 BitTech 公司手中。 但欧洲央行正在建议使用 CBDC 打破主导地位并使其成为所有参与者的公平竞争环境的方法。
该论文承认人们对 CBDC 的兴趣日益增加
讨论文件首先承认人们对 CBDC 的兴趣日益增加,这也引起了全球中央银行的浓厚兴趣。 到目前为止,尼日利亚 (eNaira) 和巴哈马 (Sand Dollar) 这两个国家已经推出了他们的 CBDC。
The report provides detailed information about their potential for adoption and level of growth It also provided several use cases within the rapidly digitizing economy. Additionally, the CBDC ad its increasing interests have resulted in several digital platforms becoming dominant business models while more companies have increased their requirements for software and data. It has also led to an anti-competitive environment that is shifting the digital market power towards the control of tech giants.
The Increasing Dominance Of Digital Currency Issuers
Most users are attracted to these digital platforms simply because others are using them, a situation called network externalities. This can lead to a winner-takes-it-all outcome in the industry. The report revealed that such a situation is not encouraging for the digital industry.
The ECB is also afraid that the dominant platforms that issue digital currencies, especially the Diem, could become dominant issuers of private money through the same network externalities. The fear is that it can challenge the monetary sovereignty of a domestic economy. Once it starts acting as a unit of account, medium of exchange, and store of value, it puts the use of the fiat currency in jeopardy.
But a CBDC can be used to ensure the continuous practical use of public money in the economy. It can e used to resolve issues in financial intermediation and as a means of reducing the cost of payments.