随着 The Sandbox 与 TIME 联手将时代广场带到 Metaverse,Metaverse 即将模仿现实世界的另一颗宝石。
The Sandbox is the most popular metaverse project across the globe, bringing the most popular brands together, ranging from the style of Adidas, the suave of Snoop Dogg, to the zombies of The Walking Dead.
Continuing with its trademark approach to populate the Metaverse with digital renditions of the real-world locations, The Sandbox has now teamed up with Time to bring Time Square into the Metaverse.
When the digital land of The Sandbox made it to the pages of the Time’s 100 most influential companies in 2022, it was a sign that Metaverse would be more mainstream than people first thought.
With this partnership, Time Square will be created on the real estate Time has bought in The Sandbox. Known as the Time’s land, this patch of digital land will now hold all the art, commerce, and other aesthetics of the most popular neighborhood of New York City.
“The project was in the making ever since the launch of TIMEPieces,” said TIME President Keith A Grossman. TIMEPieces is a vibrant Web3 community initiative from TIME. As the brand’s first step into the Web3 community, TIMEPieces was launched with Build a Better Future, a genesis collection of NFTs consisting of 40 artworks of global artists of varied disciplines.
Keith A Gossman spoke those words while announcing the latest partnership with TIME. He has also issued an open call to an architect – someone who can bring a digital rendition of New York’s most popular neighborhood to life within The Sandbox.
TIME 总裁在 NFT.NYC 的沙盒活动中发表讲话说:
“自 2021 年 9 月推出 TIMEPieces 以来,我们一直专注于在 Web3 中开发一个社区,该社区受益于 TIME 建立的令人难以置信的 100 年遗产和访问权限。 我们很高兴现在能够进入这个社区,因为我们正在寻找建筑师来设计 Metaverse 中的时代广场,因为我们使用 The Sandbox 创造了一种身临其境的体验,它在 TIMEPieces 的虚拟社区、历史报道和全球之间提供了一座天然的桥梁TIME、来自 TIME Studios 的独特 IP、TIME for Kids 以及我们现实生活中的活动之间的关系。”
TIME square 仅对 TIMEPieces NFT 的持有者开放。 这是一个将 TIMEPieces 社区聚集在一个数字生态系统中的目的地,他们可以在这里讨论、创建活动、成为 TIME 工作室项目的一部分,并获得独家教育体验。
The Sandbox 的首席运营官兼联合创始人 Sebastien Borget 将 Metaverse 描述为“虚拟曼哈顿”。 一个充满艺术、文化和品牌的地方,强调消费者的联系。
“这是一个享受乐趣的地方,一个享受乐趣的地方,一个结识新朋友的地方。 “,沙盒首席运营官说。
通过此次合作,The Sandbox 向数字前沿又迈进了一步,品牌、人员和创作者可以在这里聚在一起并富有成效地交流。
沙盒是游乐园和虚拟房地产的结合。 这是一个结合了许多数字前沿的空间,例如 Decentraland 等等。 通过这次合作,The Sandbox 在 Deadmau5、Care Bears、The Smurfs、Atari、CryptoKitties、Zaatari 等之后又增加了一个大品牌。