据 M Vision PCL 称,东南亚最大的加密货币博览会将于 2022 年 10 月 6 日至 9 日在泰国举行。该博览会的目标是揭示各种主题。 参与其中可以让您与全球加密行业的支持者进行交流,这可能会提高您对基于加密货币的业务的认识。
目前世界上最流行和最具创新性的主题和概念包括区块链技术、加密货币、元界、不可替代的代币、数字资产等。 因此,加密货币展览对每个人都非常有益。 了解这些概念和最新的技术发展对于实现您的目标至关重要。
This exhibit will teach visitors about cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, along with the ways these elements interrelate in the cryptocurrency market. Furthermore, this expo will assist users, teams, and traders in connecting with cryptocurrency experts and service providers in search of new investment opportunities. In addition, the widespread use of blockchain technology will significantly impact every industry and business sector. As a result, people must understand how they will use blockchain to optimize their businesses and maximize investment opportunities.
The Thailand Crypto Expo will also feature several crypto zones, including the Exchange Zone, Investor Zone, Conference Zone, Metaverse & GameFi Zone, and NFT & Creator Zone. Therefore, you can learn about cryptocurrencies and how they facilitate digital asset marketing and the metaverse.
Meanwhile, blockchain technology maintains a competitive advantage by encouraging activity within the metaverse network and hastening the adoption of cutting-edge technologies.
Set your calendar for October 6-9, 2022
Visitors can benefit from the opportunity by participating. They will learn the fundamentals of blockchain technology and how it may stimulate the ecosystem and its operations to grow the cryptocurrency sector.
加密博览会旨在促进与全球加密爱好者和最新区块链计划的领先专家的交流。 此外,组织将在加密货币中举办关于不可替代代币、区块链相关业务、游戏等的会议、研讨会和研讨会。
- 如何安全地投资加密货币。
- 如何控制您的数字资产、NFT 等。
- 如何制作你的元宇宙代币。
- 为区块链生态系统开发一个独特的平台。
- 利用机会鼓励和投资该国的外国直接投资。
- 您正在与领先的初创公司会面,并为您的加密货币企业进行众筹推销。
来自世界各地的 400 多家参展商、70 万多名嘉宾、150 多名记者和媒体合作伙伴、150 多名专家演讲者以及超过 90% 的 C 级高管、专家和创始人将展示最伟大的区块链加密重要事实和解决方案建立加密部门和元界。
此活动对所有人开放,因此可以免费参加四天。 参观者将能够了解加密货币领域——例如它如何简化数字营销资产和元界的流程。 区块链技术通过加快采用尖端技术来帮助保持竞争优势。 此外,它鼓励元界网络内的活动。