最近几天,加密货币市场损失了数千亿美元,抛售如火一般蔓延,主要的加密货币公司报告了裁员。 与此同时,Ripple 的首席执行官 Brad Garlinhouse 表示,尽管市场严重低迷,他的公司仍将继续招聘。
在他最近的推特帖子中,加林豪斯向社区发表讲话,称熊市将会过去,就像以前一样。 尽管市场将在短期内萎缩,但他“完全有信心”相信加密货币将在未来取得成功,成为全球金融体系不可或缺的一部分。
Ripple 的首席执行官表示,缓慢而稳定地赢得了比赛,他指出他的加密支付公司将继续在全球扩张。 根据 Garlinghouse 的说法,Ripple 一直在为像现在这样的低迷做准备,并且拥有一个重要的资产负债表,可以让公司继续招聘新员工。
这位高管没有具体说明将雇用多少新员工,但指出一半的职位空缺将在美国以外。 从当前的 Ripple Labs 网站上可以看出,该公司目前在全球 15 个不同地点提供 100 多个空缺职位。
As the most important one Ripple’s CEO named the experience of the team. According to him, Ripple’s executives have been tested by multiple previous downturns and bear markets, including the dot-com bubble burst in the early 2000s, the financial crisis of 2008, the crypto winter of 2018, and many smaller ones.
He further named the focusing on long-term as the second most important reason that helped fight the bear markets. “Ripple has been building enterprise products with long-term utility NOT speculation. These are products that solve problems today, not ones in search of a problem,” he stated.
Garlinhouse then named transparency in the company’s operating model and communication as the third major thing. According to him, accountability to the investors, including the quarterly market reports is the key to being a responsible stakeholder. “We’ve been asking for regulatory clarity for years, and been upfront about what is/isn’t working”, Ripple’s CEO stated.
Finally, he mentioned “paying attention” as the last reason that helped his company successfully weather the market downturns. “What is happening now is not a small market gyration. But we have been preparing for this with a significant cash balance” Garlinhouse added.
上个月,在达沃斯世界经济论坛接受 CNBC 采访时,一家跨境区块链支付公司的 CEO 透露,Ripple 正处于成长阶段,并正在寻找加密行业的各个领域进行潜在的并购。
“市场可能会在短期内萎缩,但我和其他许多人对加密技术将在未来取得成功,成为我们全球金融系统不可或缺的一部分充满信心。 首席执行官总结道,缓慢而稳定地赢得了比赛。
XRP 价格下跌
与此同时,Ripple 的原生代币 XRP 的价格在过去 24 小时内一直处于过山车状态。 该代币周二下跌超过 9% 以测试 0.2961 美元的低点,然后回升至 0.3235 美元的水平。 根据 CoinMarketCap 的数据,截至撰写本文时,XRP 的交易价格为 0.3166 美元。 这仍然比 6 月 10 日星期日的 0.409 美元 XRP 价格低 26%,当时严重的看跌情绪占据了加密货币市场。