- CFTC chair advocates for restructuring for better regulations
The US Commodity Futures Commission (CFTC) is set to restructure its operations to achieve proactiveness and become more comprehensive in regulations. The CFTC is the regulatory agency tasked with regulating the cryptocurrency market alongside the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
In an announcement made on July 25, the CFTC Chair, Rostin Behnam, said some changes could come to the comission. Behnam announced that one of the changes will be LabCFTC. LabCFTC was described as the main point for the efforts of the CFTC to provide “responsible fintech innovation.”
Under these new changes, the CFTC will be known as the Office of Technology Innovation (OTI) and then send a report to the chairman’s office. While speaking at the Brookings Institute webinar, Behnam added that the regulator was now engaged in providing proactiveness and formulating a comprehensive regulatory framework.
The CFTC chair added that the core policy divisions were looking into how the CFTC could leverage its existing authority over the commodity and futures market and ensure that investors are protected by ample regulations.
CFTC 还将引入的另一项变化是成立客户教育和外展办公室。 该办公室将与公共事务办公室合并。 它还将更好地为市场内的零售参与者服务。
Behnam 指出,数字资产市场上充斥着许多散户。 这使得数字资产不同于市场上提供的其他商品。 Behnam 还指出了 CFTC 的其他研究,这些研究显示了散户投资者在加密市场中所扮演的角色。 这些研究表明,零售参与者的数字资产交易相当于“比特币期货市场多头未平仓头寸的 25% 左右”。
贝曼抱怨说,监管机构对加密货币监管“集体分析瘫痪”。 尽管存在这些限制,金融技术还是取得了显着进步。
Behnam 还敦促 CFTC 获得更多权力,以更好地监管加密货币领域。 他此前曾表示,该机构在市场监督和监督权力方面失败了。
今年早些时候,Behnam 出现在参议院农业委员会面前,称其过度依赖举报人和提示不足以监控非法活动。 这些提示只是市场上正在发生的事情的一个提示。