


Brickken 达到其预售目标

Two years ago Brickken set out on its mission to allow the world to tokenize itself. With the benefits in trading that blockchain technology enables, such as the absence of downtime and the low barriers to entry, one can quickly envision its application to traditional finance. Perhaps the biggest aspect is bringing securities and assets on-chain and subsequently fractionalizing the representing Security Token. On the one hand, this enables investments in Small- and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) for retail investors with small ticket sizes. On the other hand, it opens up a whole new way of raising funds for said companies by focusing their efforts on this enormous pool of investors. Not only that but also to create a community of investors in which you can not only allow influence and voting in the company but various other benefits such as access rights or product discounts.

About 7 months ago, Brickken announced the pre-sale of its token. The BKN, being the powerhouse and foundation of the business model, planned to distribute 25% of its supply to early investors sharing our vision. Over these months, they have seen an exponential interest as the awareness grew.

As a result, they can happily announce that after 7 short months the allocated supply has been filled. A supply corresponding to $2,000,000 in raised capital. Capital that is allocated to the development of our platform, expansion of public awareness, and the growth of Brickken as a leading actor in the space.

除了与欧洲投资基金 (EIF) 有联系的西班牙基金 Neotec 提供的 325.000 欧元补贴外,Brickken 还成功招募了来自世界各地的 5 位高技能开发人员。 这将推动产品开发,并使我们能够在不久的将来开始为投资者提供有趣的投资机会。

如果没有我们 1,900 名预售投资者的信任以及我们 2 位风险投资家 Varys Capital 和 OxCapital 的支持,这一切都是不可能的。 我们的投资者让我们现在可以将所有精力投入到交易所的启动、我们的技术和基础设施的开发中,这将使 Brickkne 的所有愿景都能实现,让世界代币化自己。
