Red Hare 是领先的不可替代代币 (NFT) 分析公司之一,已成功与总部位于香港的 BOA 金融集团 (BOAFG) 合作,探索 NFT 领域的商机。
在 7 月 15 日的新闻稿中,NFT 分析公司证实了与 BOA 金融集团的成功合作。 在新的整合下,Red Hare Analytics 预计利用 BOAFG 的功能来探索 NFT 领域的商机。
Red Hare Analytics 成立于 2022 年 4 月,是一家亚洲公司,提供 NFT 指数和指数相关服务、NFT 相关分析、NFT 数据 API、NFT 相关技术开发和 NFT 孵化等产品和服务。
另一方面,BOA Financial Group 是一家总部位于香港的公司,为其企业分支机构亚洲银行有限公司 (BOA) 提供咨询服务。 BOA 是一家在英属维尔京群岛注册成立的持牌金融集团。
In May 2022, Red Hare launched several NFT indexes, including index RHNI to track the overall performance of general NFT markets and specific NFT indexes to track the price movement of individual NFT collections. Last month, Red Hare launched its first NFT Fear and Greed Index, facilitating a multi-dimensional indicator to gauge NFT market daily sentiments.
As part of the joint efforts to expand across Asia and the rest of the world, BOAFG and Red Hare will work together to explore further business opportunities in the NFT space. The joint team anticipates setting up a joint venture to get an NFT derivative license in the British Virgin Islands.
Moreover, BOAFG and Red Hare plan to set up co-brand NFT index funds. The two plan to run Red Hare NFT Index on financial institutions, including the Bank of Asia, among other designated platforms. While commenting about the new integration, Ian Wen, the chairman of BOAFG, remarked:
“We are witnessing a rapid growth of [the] NFT market and [the] metaverse in the past two years. With the advent of Web3, the future of [the] World Wide Web relies on blockchain technology and NFTs. We have confidence that with this partnership, Red Hare Analytics will become the pioneer in the NFT sector.”
In his turn, Anson Kwok, the founder, and CEO of Red Hare Analytics remarked that he is satisfied with the rapid development that Red Hare has experienced since its official launch earlier this year. He explained:
“我们很高兴与 BOAFG 建立合作伙伴关系,这种合作伙伴关系是我们实现 NFT 行业金融化的激动人心的第一步。 看到红兔公司自2022年4月成立以来的快速发展,非常令人欣慰。”