




比特币(BTC)采矿设备和托管提供商 Compass Mining 在设施所有者 Dynamics Mining 取消了双方之间托管协议的能力后,最终失去了其位于缅因州的托管地点之一,并声称Compass 未能支付费用。

该设施的所有者 Dynamics Mining 以未付账单为由在 Twitter 上宣布终止与 Compass Mining 的托管关系。

根据 Dynamics 周日晚间在推特上发布的一封信,Dynamics 和 Compass Mining 之间的托管协议于 6 月 14 日被取消。 Dynamics 声称 Compass 已经支付了六笔未付款项和三笔未支付的水电费和托管费用。


几个小时后,Dynamics 在后续推文中声称,电费达到 120 万美元,但 Compass 只支付了 665,000 美元。 它说 Compass 声称已经提供了必要的资金来支付账单,但 Dynamics 声称这些资金被用于建造其他设施。

The extremely public nature of the matter prompted Compass Mining CEO Whit Gibbs to declare that the battle will be fought in court, not on Twitter. The tweet has already been removed.

The individual behind the Dynamics account, on the other hand, reacted to Gibbs by noting that Compass only required to pay $250,000 for three months of power consumption and that Twitter represents the view of your client base, not the judiciary.

A spokeswoman for Compass Mining stated that Dynamics Mining’s accusations are completely false and that the company will issue a comment shortly.

Severe Consequences for Compass

The resignations of Gibbs and Chief Financial Officer Jodie Fisher were announced by Compass on June 28.

They stated that Compass Mining was developed to simplify and expand mining acknowledging that several failures and disappointments have impeded progress toward this aim. Through this reorganization, the company’s sole objective is to restore the respect of its community members.

Paul Gosker, Chief Technology Officer, and Thomas Heller, Chief Mining Officer, were named as temporary Co-Presidents and CEOs. Compass stated it will immediately begin the hunt for a new CEO and CFO. It is unclear whether the resignations of Gibbs and Fishers are a direct consequence of the situation at Dynamics Mining.

Compass Mining 提供专用集成电路 (ASIC) 矿机,这些矿机是用于挖掘加密货币的专用硬件,可以选择托管在其位于美国和加拿大的设施中。 目前尚不确定驻扎在该工厂的采矿客户的最终命运。

根据其托管协议,Compass 可以在紧急情况下更改、移除或迁移客户硬件,而无需承担任何义务。



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