El equipo de RippleX, a cargo del desarrollo del libro mayor XRP, pronto propondrá un nuevo estándar NFT para su NFT-Devnet.
Ripple explora aún más casos de uso para NFT
Según el equipo de Ripple, la propuesta se incluirá en un próximo lanzamiento de software. NFT-Devnet, que se reveló en enero, es su entorno de desarrollo beta para NFT. Permite a los desarrolladores y creadores iterar sus proyectos NFT antes de que se lancen a la red principal.
Con la actualización, Ripple espera brindarles a los desarrolladores y a la comunidad XRP las herramientas para impulsar su innovación.
“El equipo de RippleX propondrá que su estándar NFT se incluya en un próximo lanzamiento de software con la esperanza de que las nuevas capacidades de NFT continúen inspirando proyectos innovadores”.decía la entrada del blog.
It adds that hoping that with the upgraded tools, additional tokenization capabilities will eventually be uncovered.
Ripple is also looking to a future where NFTs emerge from just being collectibles, to having real-world utility. A few areas being explored for deploying NFTs include Media & Entertainment, Carbon Credits, and Real Estate.
Meanwhile, Ripple’s current NFT promotion efforts for the XRP ledger are already gaining a ton of traction. The company has welcomed new partners looking to leverage XRP’s NFT capabilities.
Ripple has just onboarded three new NFT marketplaces including Geer It, Ethernity Chain, and onXRP. It has also announced the first tranche of participants in its $250 million Ripple Creator Fund.
Since the launch of the fund in September 2021, Ripple reckons that it has received close to 4,000 applications. It adds that the applications have also been for NFT projects with diverse use cases cutting across “gaming/metaverse, music/entertainment, art/collectibles and beyond.”
Ripple’s other endeavors
NFTs are not the only arena in which Ripple is dipping their feet. The company is also making partnerships globally to increase the adoption of its cross-border payments solution, as well as its CBDC solution.
Ripple recently joined the Digital Euro Association (DEA) as a supporting partner to work on a CBDC for Europe. It had previously partnered with the governments of Bhutan, and Palau, and is in several more talks.
Sin embargo, el precio de XRP continúa siendo anticipado por la batalla legal con la SEC, aunque Ripple ha tenido una racha ganadora. Con los eventos recientes, los participantes del mercado esperan que XRP vea un aumento de precio explosivo cuando el caso se resuelva a favor de Ripple. En el día, XRP cotiza a alrededor de $0,8, un 2,39% más.