When it comes to NFT, Keanu has had a change of heart as he appears to have changed his mind on NFTs. When Alex Heath quizzed the actor in December on the concept of digital scarcity and collectibles, the actor burst out laughing. Digital goods can be simply re-created, according to Reeves.
Since joining Non-Fungible Labs, he has served as an adviser for a program called “Futureverse Foundation”, which seeks to better the digital and physical worlds through fostering diversity in the arts and creative industries. Traditional artists will be introduced to NFTs and given cash, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
As you might expect, Reeves’ spouse Alexandra Grant is also an accomplished artist whose work has been shown in several shows. Her involvement in Non-Fungible Labs’ announcement and explanation of the effort is well documented in a film published by the foundation, in which she plays a prominent role as a key advisor.
Using NFTs to draw artists into a new potential economy is discussed in Grant’s interview. Establishing an open, rich and diverse environment is exactly what the Futureverse Foundation’s website states its goal is.
Nana Oforiatta Ayim recebeu US$ 100.000 para organizar a exibição de Gana em um evento internacional de arte em Veneza pelo prêmio filantrópico inaugural da fundação, que parecia se concentrar no mundo real e não no Metaverso.
De acordo com um comunicado à imprensa, Grant o chamou de um dos projetos mais fascinantes em que trabalhou e diz que espera sonhar com um novo paradigma para a filantropia artística no futuro.
O comentário de Reeves, por outro lado, está entusiasmado por trabalhar com Alexandra Grant e Non-Fungible Labs e fazer parte do excelente programa da Futureverse Foundation para ajudar artistas e inovadores em todo o mundo.
Ainda assim, trabalhar com um projeto NFT como consultor para uma organização sem fins lucrativos que tenta especificamente trazer artistas para o Metaverse está muito longe de zombar do conceito de que os NFTs podem ser valiosos em primeiro lugar.