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Analyse du prix du bitcoin

Le prix du Bitcoin a chuté à la valeur la plus basse de 21 033,82 $ aujourd'hui, faisant craindre une nouvelle baisse à 20 000 $ et moins. Bien que la pièce ait depuis repris et soit fixée à un prix de 22 640 $ au moment de la rédaction, les investisseurs sont toujours préoccupés par l'achat ou non de Bitcoin, compte tenu de ses mouvements futurs.

L'ensemble du marché de la cryptographie est actuellement confronté à une baisse causée par une vente massive de crypto-monnaies qui a entraîné la disparition de plus de 200 milliards de dollars du marché en une seule journée. Les craintes d'une récession imminente ont étouffé le marché, avec la baisse du prix des deux crypto-monnaies les plus importantes et décisives - BTC et ETH.

Considering past instances of Bitcoin volatility, experts and experienced investors are seeing this downturn as a chance to make strategic purchases and diversify their portfolios. Bitcoin’s dip is more likely a short-term slump than a long-term bear market, making this the right time to buy Bitcoin.

Will the Current Crypto Dip Continue in the Long Term?

Simply put, no it will not.

Following the stock and crypto market crashes earlier this month, Bitcoin is now trading in a tight range. The crypto market has become increasingly tied to the stock market in recent months, making it even more reliant on global economic variables.

Stock markets have plunged in the aftermath of the coronavirus outbreak, amidst fears about rising prices and a bleak global economic outlook. This is the connected reason why investors are abandoning cryptocurrencies.

They are also concerned about geopolitical tensions and governments’ tightening monetary policies, especially the Federal Reserve of the United States.

These are all short-term causes and impacts, however, given Bitcoin’s history of volatility. Bitcoin’s price is just as likely to fall as it is to rise again, possibly even reach a new high in a few months as is customary with the coin.

While experienced investors are unable to provide an exact date or amount, they are confident that Bitcoin will surpass the $100,000 level due to a long-term increase in its value driven by organic market activity.

This is due to the fact that huge corporations such as Nike and other well-known brands are fast entering the metaverse, prompting bullish experts to re-evaluate the crypto market as a whole.

The emergence of metaverse and NFTs is attracting more investors and profits, which will lead to a market reversal sooner rather than later.

Is This the Right Time to Buy Bitcoin?

If history is any guide, the current Bitcoin slump, or crash, as some call it, could rebound like it did last year, making the present dip an appealing entry point for investors considering Bitcoin as part of their portfolio.

Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency to debut on the market, is not only one of the most valuable digital assets, but it also has a global investment community. Now would be an excellent time to purchase Bitcoin, lest it achieve a new high in the near future, as is typical of its violent swings.

The crypto dip exposes a long-standing fact about Bitcoin: it is still a very volatile and speculative asset. Indeed, after reaching a new high in mid-April, Bitcoin soon dropped more than half of its value, falling to below $30,000 by mid-July 2021. Similarly, only a few weeks after hitting a new high in November, Bitcoin plummeted below $35,000.

As a result, experts recommend that you keep your crypto investments to less than 5% of your overall portfolio.

Ne laissez pas une augmentation rapide des prix influencer votre stratégie d'investissement à long terme, tout comme vous ne devriez pas laisser une baisse du prix du Bitcoin influencer votre décision d'acheter des cryptos.

Assurez-vous que toutes vos bases financières sont couvertes, des comptes de retraite à l'épargne d'urgence, avant d'investir plus d'argent dans un actif spéculatif comme Bitcoin.

La meilleure chose que vous puissiez faire est d'ignorer les nouvelles de crash crypto comme celle-ci, peu importe à quel point cela semble sensationnel pour le moment. Comme tout autre compte d'investissement à long terme, vous devez le configurer et l'oublier une fois que vous avez acheté l'actif au bon moment, ce qui est définitivement maintenant pour Bitcoin.

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